
Thursday, June 11, 2020

lighthouse story

The Lighthouse
You are going to watch the video ‘The Lighthouse’ and complete this doc by unpacking the structure. Remember that all answers should be written in full sentences and that they should include the relevant detail. 
Who are the characters in this story? 
The old man with a coat,hat and wrinkles.Adults and children with lanterns.Men at the Pub.
Describe where this story is set? 
This is set at a fogy,normal,dark,and good place.
Explain the opening of the story?
He was writing and he got irritated from the people that were drinking so he closed his window and kepped writing.
What happens during the build up of this story? 
He ran down the stairs to run away because the boat was coming then most of the people in the town came with lanterns and warned the boat.
What is the dilemma? 
The problem of this story was that the light went out then the old man cracked the lighthouse bulb.
How is this resolved? 
It's resolved by when those people come and save those people on the boat.
How does the story end? 
It ended when they all went on the lighthouse holding there lanterns and smiles.


  1. Good work Huatau, you need to think about what other descriptive language you could use to engage your reader more.

  2. Good Job Huatau this is some good job right here just find a way to make is fit ok. But yeah this is some good mahi
